Travel Secrets

Solar Eclipse on Sunday noon

Solar Eclipse on Sunday noon

A Solar eclipse will take place at noon on Sunday the 3rd of November which will be visible or partially visible from Africa, the southern regions of Europe, the Middle East and some parts of America. In Greece, the eclipse will partially cover the sun from the moon.

Especially in Greece , the Moon will cover up to 10% of the solar disk in its southern regions, while in northern Greece coverage will be at a lesser extend. Similarly, the duration of the eclipse will be greater in southern Greece, for example, in Chania of Crete from 15:04 to 16:17 hours and in the city of Thessaloniki in northern Greece from 15:16 to 15:47 hours.

The maximum of the eclipse will be achieved at approximately in the middle of those time slots.

Astronomers point out that observation of the eclipse with binoculars and amateur telescopes should only be carried out in using special solar filters. Observation of the eclipse with a naked eye could lead to serious eye damage. Needless to say that wearing sunglasses does not provide adequate protection.

The next solar eclipse that will be visible from our country is calculated to occur in March 2015.

From: Eva Kanellopoulos

