Travel Secrets

Why ? – Children on the Move: Photo exhibition by GMB Akash at Benaki Museum

Why ? – Children on the Move: Photo exhibition by GMB Akash at Benaki Museum

«Why ? – Children on the Move», is an exhibition by GMB Akash about the migrant children in Greece, presented by the Benaki Museum in Athens from April 19th to May 22nd.

In accordance with the conviction that culture can not limit itself to having an observing role, but must invest, APCd notably supports the work of GMB Akash as well as his humanitarian actions in Bangladesh since 2013. Who better then this internationally recognized photographer, who has devoted his life to giving a voice to those without one and making the world listen, could bare witness to the drama of those shipwrecked by the war?

This exhibition is also a story of friendship. APCd and “Merimna”, a Greek non-profit organization, dedicated to supporting children confronted with loss and illnesses, have united their efforts in order to contribute making the seriousness of the current crisis known.

This exhibition was made possible by the Benaki Museum, a very old foundation under private law in Athens that covers different cultural and social fields. This exhibition is placed under the auspices of the president of the Hellenic Republic, Mr. Prokopis Pavlopoulos. 

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From: Anthi Sasmatzoglou

