Travel Secrets

Nana Boussia: Building experiences inside and out Ananti City Resort

Nana Boussia: Building experiences inside and out Ananti City Resort

Nana Boussia, Manager and co-owner of Ananti City Resort, describes the logic behind the development of the hotel and the way it meets the demands of the millennial generation.

By Isabella Zampetaki

What is the profile of your visitors?

During winter we mainly operate with internal tourism. The summer months we welcome individual visitors from abroad, who visit Meteora and choose to stay in a five-star hotel. In terms of nationalities, the majority of our visitors come from Europe, but we also have some arrivals from Asia and America.

How is the hotel connected to the surroundings, the experiences and the activities that someone can enjoy in the area?

The truth is that the surrounding area offers a wide variety of activities. The most important activity is clearly the day excursion to Meteora monasteries, but one can also enjoy from hiking, horse riding and archery to wine tours and cycling in the city of Trikala. There is a lot of interest in experiences like these and this is reflected in the gradual increase of the average stay. In addition to the visitors interested in the experiences the surroundings have to offer, there are also the ones who prefer to spend their stay in the hotel premises. They enjoy the spa and restaurant facilities of the hotel and they also make use of the packages that combine their stay with these services.

Since you also belong to the millennial generation, which are the elements that this kind of public seeks in the hotel?

I believe that the new generation of tourists, the so-called millennials, mostly seek for the experience than just the simple use of the hotel facilities. They want the technology presence in their room, as well as a variety of activities, in order to feel interested in the hotel. They also pay special attention to the level of the offered services and they want to be given the chance to use the social media in order to evaluate this level. If there wasn’t for the economic crisis, the millennials would have made a strong presence in the greek tourism, the way they do in other markets.

In which ways do you make use of social media?

First of all, we have a continuous presence with posts and visuals use. When, for example, we have a new restaurant menu, we upload photos of all the dishes online. At the same time,  we have organized  photography contests on instagram, promotional campaigns on facebook and collaborations with travel bloggers. Through our campaigns, we try to promote each of the hotel areas independently (hotel, conference, restaurant).

Hotel & Restaurant

From: Anthi Sasmatzoglou

