Travel Secrets

Hotel Amenities | Travelers Can & Can't Do Without

Hotel Amenities | Travelers Can & Can't Do Without

According to a Tripadvisor survey and the results announced by TripBarometer Truth, we discover which hotel amenities and services U.S. travelers find most and least important.

This research is an important tool in the hands of a hotelier and if extended to other markets outside the U.S., will determine which way you need to drive every hotelier to satisfy their customers and which investments will yield maximum profits either in absolute numbers or qualitative data .


Here are the hotel amenities that U.S. travelers find most and least important:

Most Important Hotel Amenities/Facilities/Services for U.S. Travelers


1.      Free In-Room Wi-Fi (89%)
2.      Free Parking (89%)
3.      Free Breakfast (84%)
4.      Free Personal Care Items (72%)
5.      Free Lobby Wi-Fi (71%)


Least Important Hotel Amenities/Facilities/Services for U.S. Travelers


1.      Mini Bar (21%)
2.      Spa / Beauty Treatments (23%)
3.      Business Center (34%)
4.      Laundry Service (39%)
5.      Free Pool-Side Wi-Fi (42%)


"Accept my credit cards" with 59% and "hire staff who speak my language" with 34% are other top things U.S. travelers wish their selected hotels would do, as compared to 12% who wish hotels would "include typical food from my country in the menu."

Meanwhile, there are some good signs hotels are answering the call. As a result of increasing numbers of guests from various destinations around the world, hoteliers have already put in place a number of measures to address the needs of international visitors. 52% of global hotel respondents have made efforts to honor the credit cards that their guests prefer to use, as compared to 44% of U.S. hotels.


From: Eva Kanellopoulos

