Travel Secrets

Exuberant wines for Clean Monday

Exuberant wines for Clean Monday

The Carnival season in Greece is almost over…Clean Monday on the 3rd of March marks the beginning of Lent towards Easter which nonetheless allows, and actually, praises wine drinking!...

We thank G. Floudas for his article on (in Greek language)

The festive table of the day includes the traditional “taramosalata” fish roe salad, plenty of "lagana" traditional bread, pickles, beans and lentils, shellfish and other delicacies that make family and friends come closer and the kite go higher!

Selecting the wines for the day is not such a hard task, since Greece produces plenty of varieties with the Greek retsina wine constituting an absolute must for the day.

For the snobs among you or if you consider yourself a wine geek or wannabe wine expert, select a bottle of “Dakri tou Pefkou” [Tear of the Pine tree] by Kechri Estate in Thessaloniki.

A more refined version of retsina wine is that of the Assyrtiko variety. Careful selection of grapes, high quality processes of extracting and maturation within oak barrels ensure a unique result at around 12.50 euro per bottle.

Yet another good retsina wine is that of Ritinitis Nobilis of the Gaia Winemakers, bottled with care in a flashy packaging which ensures a pleasant wine-drinking session for Clean Monday. If you detest the flavors of thyme, rosemary and turpentine then go for a bottle of delicate, playful, pleasant, aromatic wine with high acidity named Tselepos Blanc de Gris 2013.

Have a gorgeous and happy Clean Monday and fly your kites higher than your eyesight can reach!

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From: Eva Kanellopoulos

