Travel Secrets

A Cooking trip to mum's traditional recipes

A Cooking trip to mum's traditional recipes

We all love quality traditional food and this is something we find in Greece in abundance. Recipes that pass from generation to generation and experience that has accumulated over the years, cherishing secrets and “tricks of the trade” that one can only discover by entering the kitchen. The veterans of the type are the only ones that can tell you about them, for you will not find them written in any recipe book and no website or related tv show.

While visiting Hydra island, you will certainly have the opportunity to indulge in quality food. Traditions are more than cherished and they actually constitute a ritual for the locals. Don’t miss the opportunity to visit a beautiful island at such close proximity to the capital and have a cooking experience. Hydra island welcomes you at Leto Hotel and is eager to present you with an unprecedented cooking lesson. The knowledge and the experience of the “elders” will absolutely impress you. This is a package that will definitely appeal to lovers of the cooking traditions and of good food.

For reservations, please contact us by dialing +302108981884 or online via e-mail at

From: Eva Kanellopoulos

