Travel Secrets

Malabar: The most exotic spot of the capital "refreshed" for the summer season

Malabar: The most exotic spot of the capital

Large comfortable pillows and airy fabrics, in absolute harmony with low lighting and a marvelous swimming pool as the perfect centerpiece.

Malabar…the exotic jewel of the capital, is ready to open for the summer season and willing to fill our free time with unforgettable moments of relaxation in the company or our friends.

“Refreshed” in style for the new season, Malabar awaits us in The Margi hotel at the summery quarter of Vouliagmeni in the southern suburbs of Athens, in order to give a new meaning to our upcoming summer nights. Opening as of the 17th of May, we save the date for a cocktail evening session and for a tantalizing voyage to the exquisite cuisine of chef Panagiots Yiakalis.

After having thrived in the kitchen of Baku restaurant of The Margi hotel during the winter months, our favorite chef shifts to the summery Malabar and presents us with a fully “refreshed” menu of delicious proposals of international cuisine, such as: the lemon risotto over a shrimp carpaccio and the salmon and avocado roulade with guacamole and soya.

Prices remain reasonable and the staff is at your disposal for reservations and special requests. To reserve you table at Malabar please contact us at 0030 210 8929160.

Press here for more information about The Margi hotel and dial now at 0030 210 8981884 for your accommodation reservations.  

From: Eleni Nikoloulia

