Travel Secrets

Nespresso: The perfect espresso experience for your business

Nespresso: The perfect espresso experience for your business

Nespresso coffee expertise enables anyone, anywhere to make a perfect espresso coffee.

Nespresso makes it possible for you to make the same full-bodied espresso offered by skilled baristas. Your business can benefit from years of Nespresso expertise in premium Grand Cru coffees, innovative machines and excellent customer support.

The rigorous selection process and careful blending, roasting, and grinding methods create exceptional Grand Cru coffees that are enjoyed all over the world. The exclusive capsule delivery system helps you to control costs and preserves the roast and ground coffee until you're ready to serve.

In a business environment, Nespresso contributes to the performance of your company by offering the best quality coffee to your employees, but also a competitive and easy to manage coffee solution to you.

Today, Nespresso is the coffee of choice in over 700 of the world's finest restaurants.

Zenius is the first coffee machine by Nespresso with all the right connections. Ideal for any size of business where quality, intuition and simplicity are all important. Fast and efficient, exceptional coffee and hot water are prepared quickly, at the touch of a button. Recommended number of users: 10 or more.

Discover the Nespresso solutions here.

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From: Anthi Sasmatzoglou

