Travel Secrets

Ananti City Resort: Mexican flavours at Oltre Restaurant

Ananti City Resort: Mexican flavours at Oltre Restaurant

On Tuesday July 21, the veranda of Oltre Restaurant, the amazing restaurant of Ananti City Resort that overlooks the wonderful plains of Thessaly, travels us to Mexico, the country of contrasts! Delicious burritos, spicy salads, tortillas with Aztec Cocoa, refreshing micheladas (Mexican beer) and intoxicating tequilas will pass by your table so that we all shout out loud "Viva Mexico"!

Visit Oltre Bar Restaurant and enjoy an authentic Mexican menu with 20 euros per person.



Dip with melted yellow cheeses and jalapenos


Spicy sausage with beans, peppers and mushrooms


Mexican salad with lettuce, carrot, bacon, cheese and spicy chicken


Burritos with minced meat, caramelized onions, black beans, corn and guacamole


Fried tortilla with ice cream, fruits, cacao and chocolate syrup

For bookings at the restaurant call at +302431063950

From July 19-22, escape to Trikala and enjoy a three night stay at Ananti City Resort with 324 euros at a Double Room with panoramic view.

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From: Anthi Sasmatzoglou

