Travel Secrets

A stroll at the seven hills of Athens

A stroll at the seven hills of Athens
Rome and Constantinople may be widely known for their glorious seven hills, but Athens has its own set to feel proud of and share with its visitors...  

Snow Bus: Athens - Menalo Ski Resort direct

Snow Bus: Athens - Menalo Ski Resort direct
Menalo Ski Resort now has its own snow bus for easy access from Athens city center...

From Louvre to Thessaloniki: Two days left to admire the artworks

From Louvre to Thessaloniki: Two days left to admire the artworks
If you are among the people who will be in the city of Thessaloniki for the weekend, you will have a last chance to admire unique artworks…from the Louvre with love.

The monitoring of rare bird species in Rhodes island

The monitoring of rare bird species in Rhodes island
This year’s “Mid Winter” bird census will monitor the aquatic birds that have found a habitat in the island of Rhodes.

Ample light is shed upon Ancient Corinth

Ample light is shed upon Ancient Corinth
Yet another reason for a brief getaway from the city

Visiting the city of Ioannina: The New Archaeological Museum

Visiting the city of Ioannina: The New Archaeological Museum
Not only the capital, Athens, has Museums. In fact, Archaeological Museums operate in every part of Greece containing numerous treasures which we simply have to see whenever we get the chance…

The existence of a contemporary ark in the region of Mani

The existence of a contemporary ark in the region of Mani
Dolion Monastery: an inspirational, contemporary ark in the region of Mani in the Peloponnese.

Vikos gorge: Clear-cut, natural beauty one will never come across elsewhere

Vikos gorge: Clear-cut, natural beauty one will never come across elsewhere
The gorge of Vikos is at 30 Km from the city of Ioannina and at the vicinity of the picturesque village complex of Zagorochoria...

"Liotiri" olive pie from whet your appetite!

There is an endless number of Greek pies that play the role of the starter. If you want to further enrich your options for the Sunday table, just choose your favourite olive variety and make a “liotiri” olive pie to whet your appetite, as they do it in the region of Mani in the Peloponnese...  

Anilio Ski Resort: A brand new attraction in the region of Epirus

Anilio Ski Resort: A brand new attraction in the region of Epirus
The newest ski resort in Greece opened very recently and just before Christmas - 22nd of December - as a gift to the visitors of the area and the fans of winter sports...

A new museum opens in Athens

A new museum opens in Athens
The Municipality of Athens announced the opening of the first Industrial Gas Museum, which will take place on the 27th of January.

Snow report directly from Mt. Ziria

Snow report directly from Mt. Ziria
Escape to the beauties of the mountainous nature, in less than two hours from Athens city center...